Sunday, November 20, 2005


The idol that I can learn his way to study English...
My idol is Jason Hu(胡志強). His manner is creating a fictional English world. He was not only practicing English when he met foreigers but also translating the conversation into English in his mind when he talk with people in chinese. Besides, he translate whatever he see into English. He also translates English into Chinese later.
The reason that I agree this way is we have less oppotunities to speak English in our environment. In this way we just like living in America.

The idol that I admire their music...

My favorite music are the kind of Hip Hop and Rap. In comparision with English songs of strong rhythms, I like better Japanese songs. Because its style is relax and lazy.
I most like the group, Rip Slyme.Their songs are varied, but most of their songs have an atmosphere of cheerful.


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